

Raquel Benito
Noemi Jariod
Diez & Bordons
Mar Mateu
Flaminia Bodas
Sonia Servent Studio

At SONIA SERVENT STUDIO, it is very clear to us that your wedding invitation is like a letter ofintroduction; the beginning of a voyage, of a road your guests will travel withyou all the way to the altar and beyond. If the invitation is overdone, peoplewill think that the wedding is going to be ostentatious; if it is creative,then they will expect something unique.

From the very beginning, SONIA SERVENT STUDIO has believed in customizing each union exclusively, from the invitations to the menu cards and seating chart. We simply can not allow our newlyweds to find their invitations somewhere else being usedat another wedding or feel that the invitations fail to capture their unique style and personality; that is why we insist on exclusivity.

Photocall E&RSeatin pla E and RMenu card E and R

Currently, at SONIA SERVENT STUDIO, we have a design department that transforms each couple’s main theme into the necessary elements: the “Save the date” cards andthe invitations; the menu cards; seating chart, directional signs; declarationsof love and even the thank-you cards at the end. Everything is conceived,designed and made exclusively for SONIA SERVENT STUDIO´s engaged couple and isnot available any other way. Webelieve that this is one way to strengthen our commitment to exclusivity, innovation and loyalty with the couple.

At SONIASERVENT STUDIO, we know that the decoration is more than mere appearance, andactually creates an ambiance by conveying sensations and the spirit of an unforgettable day. For this reason, SONIA SERVENT STUDIO also offers exclusive materials for decorating your wedding which are very difficult to come by, such as g listening crystal chandeliers and elaborate vases for the tables. SONIASERVENT STUDIO has the means and offers those means to their clients.

At SONIASERVENT STUDIO, we are not only mindful of the small details; our vast and varied experience has taught us that preparation and planning is essential. With this in mind, we have learned to use the AutoCAD programs in order to makethe site maps to scale ourselves and be able to modify them if necessary without depending upon anyone else.